A COVID-19 Update - What are we doing?
March 27, 2020
Like all businesses, we are focused on looking after our communities and staying safe during these difficult times.
The essential restrictions on people’s movement and activity are having a particularly devastating effect on restaurants and retailers.
Communities around the world are having to make sacrifices in their everyday lives, and some are in complete lockdown to stop the spread of coronavirus.
Everyone is being impacted.
We are finding ways to help.

In China we worked with the Government to establish specific COVID-19 workplace hygiene measures and return to work protocols, that are now common place in essential services factories around the world.
We’ve diverted resources to help get more flour, sugar and other basic consumer goods on supermarket shelves.
We’ve supplied wrap for toilet paper, essential packaging for chemists, and hygienic solutions for takeaway and food delivery.
We’re supporting foodservice operators by subsidising freight in some markets, and we’re making sure businesses all around the globe are getting crucial supplies to get their products out to the market and survive through this uncertain period.
We’re finding challenges, too – our India, Philippines and New Zealand teams are currently struggling through lockdowns.
But we are in a position to help and we will take every opportunity that we can to support our communities.
As much as we can – it’s business as usual in unusual times.